Business information Systems

It's a distinguished program in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration. It is an academic study program that aims to:

  • Blend the sciences of commerce and business management with computer science and information technology.
  • Help in developing the necessary knowledge and skills to benefit from the technology used in any business sector organization, which are very important skills appreciated across a wide range of industry sectors and service organizations.

The most important feature in the Business Information Systems program.

It balances between providing knowledge in the business field through the study of Management, Accounting, Marketing and Investment.
It also provides knowledge related to applications in the IT and information systems field, thereby the student studies:

  • Programming languages
  • Design and analysis of information systems
  • Design and management of databases
  • Design and development of websites

Employment Opportunities Available For Business information Systems Graduates

Business Information Systems (Business information Systems) graduates are well-positioned for a variety of roles that bridge the gap between business operations and technology. The diverse skill set they acquire through their studies prepares them for numerous paths in both sectors. Here are some key employment opportunities available to Business information Systems graduates:

  • Creating specialized databases
  • Creation, design, and programming of electronic applications
  • E-commerce and e-marketing
  • Software architecture and information technology
  • Creation, analysis, and design of management systems across various activities and fields
  • Structuring and designing information networks for business organizations

Most Important Business information Systems Courses

Mandatory Courses:

  • Mastery Microsoft Office Programs
  • CS50 course to learn Computer Science Basics
  • English Courses

Elective Courses:

  • Requirements for entering the networking field.
  • Requirements for entering the field of database creation and development.
  • Requirements for entering the web field.

Graduates' Capabilities

The graduate is capable of:

  • Proficiency in programming languages.
  • Analysis and design of information systems.
  • Design and management of databases.
  • Integrating various functions in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
  • Visual analysis of information to assist in decision-making.